Brand Sponsorship Opportunities πŸ™Œ

Interested in advertising with Remote Work Junkie? You are in the right place! Learn how you can get your brand, product, or services seen by thousands of people every month.

We act as an extension of your marketing team for the duration of the partnership.


  • Job seekers, entrepreneurs, digital nomads, recruiters, talent acquisition leaders, and career-focused individuals.
  • Ages 22-44+ from all over the world, but primarily located in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
  • Readers work for or have previously represented Fortune 500, VC backed startups, and other establish organizations around the world.

Some Past sponsors: 

  • Deel
  • Remofirst
  • Total Success
  • Candor

Sponsorship Options

We offer three variations of sponsorship options to maximize awareness and results.

  • Monthly Campaign (or 30 Day Equivalent)
  • Quarterly Campaign (Discount + bonus promotion)
  • Yearly Partnership (Further discount + bonus promotion)

Below are a few ways we promote your brand, product, or service . Each sponsorship option includes everything but quarterly and yearly campaigns have discounts plus additional offerings to maximize views.

We also love to get creative and will help you get maximum exposure across our various channels, so we are always happy to pitch other ways to help market your company to our audience.

Email us to learn more: [email protected].

Social Media Campaigns πŸ“£

While we will promote across all our social channels, our LinkedIn page is growing the fastest (117k+ Organic Followers), averaging 600+ new organic followers daily, 350,000+ content impressions per month, and over 45,000 company page views per month.

Social campaigns with Remote Work Junkie typically include:

  • Partnership announcements
  • Webinars or event promotion
  • Product or service launches
  • Native video clips
  • Other branded content

We’ll get creative and use storytelling to drive awareness, engagement, and clicks via social.

Newsletter πŸ“§

Get your company logo added to the header email banner and own the middle content section of our newsletter sends. We send out a newsletter every Tuesday morning, so you’ll own the entire month.

If you opt for quarterly or a yearly partnership, you’ll have a spot in every send during that time. We average 36%+ open rates, with 3,000+ subscribers.

Newsletter sponsorship example, middle section.

Native Ad Placements πŸ†

Get custom native ad placements added to the Top 100 Companies page, Remote Experts page, strategic top menu and footer links, display ad on our job board, added to the matching “Essentials” page.

For yearly partners, we also add a blurb about your brand added to all articles on the website and a banner ad on the homepage.

Native ad placement for sponsors.

Job board ad placement:

Display ad example.

Be visible across all blog posts with a link to your website or product page (Yearly partners only):

Branded Content ✍️

1,000+ word article written by us and promoted. This isn’t your typical short product-sponsored post. Instead, it’s an educational piece of content with your product or service woven in naturally.

We’ll work with you on the topic, pin the post to the homepage for 30 days, share to RWJ social channels, and add it to our weekly newsletter. The article lives on Remote Work Junkie indefinitely.

Pinned sponsored content example.

Interested? Any questions? Email [email protected].

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